
This site is run by Janice M. Cho who is a designer and artist living in Brooklyn, NY. She is inspired by all things lovely and intriguing - especially in moments that are underserved and overlooked. 

Pronouns: She/Her

Why 'That HCD Life'?

Human Centered Design (HCD) is a way of looking at the world and making new things for the world. When you begin to see things from a bird's eye perspective while holding a microscope to your cognition and physical body, it not only brings fierce attention to why we do things but also pushes us to make better things.

I, as a human, believe that our current state of life and things needs more detailed attention and thoughtfulness - and I firmly believe that HCD can help.

Thank you for visiting!

Photograph taken by Marion Brunel.

Photograph taken by Marion Brunel.

All photography is shot and produced by Janice M. Cho unless otherwise noted.



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